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Our Prices

Importance of keeping your dog well groomed.

Keeping your dog well-groomed has many benefits. As well as keeping their coat clean and healthy and free from matting, it is also an opportunity to perform a health check.

Allowing us to get to know your pets body and natural physique can help us to identify any unexpected lumps that may appear in the future or if any ticks or fleas are present.

It is also very important to keep your pets hygiene areas (bottom, feet and male and female areas ) clean and free from matting. Matting anywhere on the body can become very painful and pull on your pet’s skin. If the matting is not removed it can become a haven for dirt and bacteria and could eventually cause skin irritation or infection


Price is based on breed, size and condition also non cooperative or aggressive behaviour of the dog or a matted coat are also taken into consideration.

In the event that the coat is excessively matted and de-matting is not an option we will offer an all off clip and start again option.

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